Riddles to Improve your I.Q.
- 1.
- Is known by both masculine and feminine names,
- and burns up without rain;
- Originates from a man and goes into a man,
- But no one has been able to guess what it is.
(Answers are at the Bottom)
i am a six letter word,my motto is "together as one". If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters people will wear me. If you remove my 3rd letter i'll be very painful. If you remove my 2nd, 3rd, & 6th letters, Adam & Eve did it. If you remove 2nd nd 3rd letters, u'll do it using your mouth. Who am i?
Sometimes I'm Light ,Sometimes I'm Dark, Sometimes I'm Here Sometimes I'm There, I'm Round All The Time,And Can Be Walked On From Time To Time .... What Am I ???
What is something to someone but noting to everyone?
I can be found where anything cannot,the dead men eat me all the time, but is a living man eat me he will die... what am i?
Two fifty foot ropes are suspended from a forty foot ceiling twenty feet apart. You have only a knife. How much of the rope can you steal?
You want to send a valuable object to a friend securely. You have a box which can be fitted with multiple locks, and you have several locks and their corresponding keys. However, your friend does not have any keys to your locks, and if you send a key in an unlocked box, the key could be copied en route. How can you send the object securely?
I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet even though there is no cause for grief,and at once on my birth i am dissolved into air.
Who am I?
Which of these two is faster than the other; Hot or Cold?
It is my beginning, and it is my end. And you are in the middle.
What am i?
I move without wings,
Between silken strings,
I leave as you find,
My substance behind.
What makes a loud noise
When changing it's jacket,
Becomes larger but weighs less?
If you have it, you want to share it.
If you share it, you dont have it.
No sooner spoken than broken.
It is greater than God
More devil than the devil.
The poor have it,
The rich need it and
If you eat it you'll die.
What is it?
What is as big as you are
Yet does not weigh anything?
What ends everything always?
A cowboy rode into town on Friday,
Stayed three days, and
Rode out again on Friday.
How did he do that?
2 fathers and 2 sons go fishing.
Each of them catches one fish.
So why do they bring home only 3 fish?
What kind of coat can you put on
Only when wet?
Give me food and I will live.
Give me water and I will die.
Who am I?
The man who invented it doesn't want it.
The man who bought it doesn't need it.
The man who needs it doesn't know it.
What is it?
A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?
A man wanted to enter a club.
Every member knows the password.
The man hide himself beside a wall & tried to listen the password.
First man came and watchman said "twelve" the member replied "six" and the watchman opened the door.
Second man came and watchman said "six" and member replied "three" and watchman opened the door.
Man thought that he got the passward.
He came near the gate and watchman said "eight".
The man replied "four"
But watchman didn't open the door.
What was the password.
While walking across a bridge I saw a boat full of people. Yet on the boat there wasn't a single person. How is this possible ?
A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted roof. Which side is the egg going to roll off on?
Find the odd word.
What is the reason?
That Captain is my brother, told by the Police Officer.
But the Police Officer testified he didn't have a brother.
Who is lying?
Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?
What is The longest word in the English language with no vowels?
How many legs are on a pool table...
1. The highlight here is "river".2. string is the word
3. moon
4. Ur mind or brain
5. nothing
6. Climb up the first rope, carrying up the end of the second with you. Cut the first rope, flush with the ceiling, swinging down on the second. Climb up the second and cut that flush with the ceiling too, but only part way, until it can just barely hold the rest of your weight. Slowly climb down until you're just short of the bottom. Tie a small loop here and climb up about two feet. Secure the loop about your feet and fall to the ground (roughly three feet). Just before your feet hit the ground the force of the fall will snap the rope at the top.
7. The answer is " After you draw one of the papers, swallow it. The jailer will be forced to check the remaining paper to determine what the one you drew said. The jailer will of course see a paper with "DEATH" written on it, assume you drew the one with "LIFE" written on it, and set you free. "
8. The answer is " Put the valuable object into the box, secure it with one of your locks, and send the box to your friend. Your friend should then attach one of his own locks and return it. When you receive it again, remove your lock and send it back. Now your friend can unlock his own lock and retrieve the object. "
9. The answer is " SMOKE "
10. The answer is " HOT "
12. spider
13. popcorn14. secret
15. silence
16. nothing
17. shadow
18. the letter g
19. friday is the name of the horse
20. they are 3 (grandfather, son, son's son)
21. paint
22. fire
23. coffin
24. photographer, first she shot a picture of him then developed it and hung it to dry.
25. 5
26. they are all married
27. its a boy
28. jump
29. the captain is a women
30. The answer is " A square manhole cover can fall into the hole on the diagonal; a round manhole cover cannot be dropped into the hole.
31. Rythm
32. None as no leg is on the table.